Root Canal Therapy

Root canals may have a reputation for being painful, but today’s root canals are actually a quick and pain-free procedure similar to a routine filling. At Esthetic Dental Care of Collegeville, our experienced staff are experts at making sure each patient is informed about their root canal and comfortable during the procedure.

If the “pulp” (soft tissue) inside a tooth is inflamed or infected as a result of deep decay, cracks or chips in the tooth, faulty crowns, or repeated dental procedures, it may cause pain or lead to an abscess if left untreated. We remove the infected pulp, clean and disinfect inside the tooth, and refill the tooth with a rubber-like material. Afterwards, we add a crown or filling for protection, and the tooth is able to function normally and without pain.

Saving the affected tooth with a root canal, as opposed to removing the tooth, has various benefits:

  • Natural appearance
  • Normal biting and chewing sensation and force
  • Protects other teeth from extra strain

We can identify a tooth that may need a root canal during a cleaning, other procedure, or through X-rays and imaging.