Dental Implants

Dental implants look and function the same way as real teeth, so they are often an ideal option for patients who wish to replace missing teeth. Unlike other alternatives like dentures, dental implants are permanent and don’t require existing teeth to be altered before they are placed. They may cost more and take longer to place, but they most closely resemble and function like real teeth.

A dental implant consists of an artificial tooth root that is anchored into the jaw to permanently hold a replacement tooth or bridge in place. Implants can be made of various metallic and bone-like ceramic materials. They can be placed directly into the jaw if the jaw bone is stable enough, or they can be placed on a metal framework that fits into the existing bone.

The implant process is performed over the course of a few months, or up to nine months, depending on the extent of the procedure and the patient’s healing time. Here’s what to expect:

  • We first perform surgery to install the implant and cover it with the gum. The gum remains closed until the implant fuses with the bone over time (about 3-6 months). Temporary crowns can be installed for this time to maintain function and appearance.
  • Once the implant is healed, we uncover the implant and attach an extension or post that will support the new tooth. We take an impression of this abutment and use it to create the artificial tooth.
  • After the artificial tooth is created, it is attached permanently. The patient receives instructions on how to care for the implants, and will return to our office for cleanings and to make sure that the gums are healthy enough to support the implants.