Dental Sealants

While brushing and flossing are essential for daily prevention of cavities and tooth decay, they can’t always reach every single place in your mouth that might attract food and bacteria. For particularly hard-to-reach teeth, we recommend the application of dental sealants.

Dental sealants are a plastic material placed on the biting and chewing surfaces of the teeth, especially on the hard-to-reach molars. They work by smoothing out grooves and fissures in teeth that are hard to brush and tend to attract food matter and bacteria. Dental sealants have been shown to greatly reduce the risk of cavities in teeth that are covered.

Dental sealants are most commonly applied to the teeth of pediatric patients who tend to not brush as thoroughly on a daily basis, but they can be applied to any patient’s teeth, and may help patients who get recurrent cavities.

Easy to apply and relatively inexpensive, dental sealants are another method we use to ensure the lifelong health of your teeth and prevent tooth decay and cavities.