
Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment that uses clear plastic trays to correct malocclusions. It is a good alternative to traditional wire braces for people who are concerned about how braces look on their teeth, and it can also be more comfortable than wire braces. Invisalign can treat issues such as:

  • Gaps
  • Underbites
  • Overbites
  • Open bites
  • Crowding
  • Crossbites

The Invisalign process uses a digital scanning system to create precise 3D images of the teeth. Once we have the images, we study them and develop a custom treatment plan using a series of the clear plastic aligners. Each aligner will be worn for one or two weeks to gradually move the teeth into place.

The aligners should be worn for 20-22 hours a day for best results, taking them out to brush, floss, and eat. Unlike with wire braces, patients can eat whatever they want without worrying about foods getting stuck in their braces. The aligners are also easily removeable and simple to clean.

After treatment, we fit the teeth with a retainer to maintain the final position. Using Invisalign is practically “invisible,” so it is an appealing option for patients who need orthodontic treatment.