Comprehensive Dental Exam


At Esthetic Dental Care of Collegeville, we strive to develop a lasting relationship with each patient. Your first comprehensive dental exam is an opportunity for us to get to know you, listen to your goals for your dental health, and discuss any concerns or symptoms you are experiencing.

Getting to Know You

We make sure all of our new patients feel welcome and safe when they visit our office for the first time. You’ll sit down with us to talk about your medical and dental history, as well as to discuss any concerns you have.

Comprehensive Exam

Your first visit includes a comprehensive clinical examination. This includes an oral cancer screening, periodontal evaluation, occlusion (bite) analysis, and an examination of your teeth and complete orofacial area. We’ll also take X-rays of your mouth. We aim to provide gentle, compassionate dental care, whether we are performing a routine exam or another dental procedure, so that our patients feel comfortable trusting us with their dental health.

Developing a Plan

Once your exam is complete, we’ll develop a comprehensive dental treatment plan for you. We’ll take care of what’s bothering you now, as well as any other issues we found during your examination. We’ll also schedule your next regular cleaning and answer any other questions you have.