Night and Snore Guards

Appliances that fit over the teeth while a patient sleeps can protect the teeth and jaw from bruxism, as well as reduce symptoms like snoring.

Night Guards

Bruxism, or chronic jaw clenching and teeth grinding, usually occurs at night. This causes patients to wake up with pain, headaches, and sore teeth. Besides causing these symptoms, bruxism can damage the teeth by causing chipping, cracking, and excessive pressure on the jaw joint.

Treating bruxism involves reducing the factors that exacerbate it, including stress, sleep disorders, and malocclusions. It is also frequently recommended to use a night guard to protect the teeth and jaw. This appliance fits over the teeth and keeps the jaws slightly apart, thereby reducing muscle strain and dental damage. Night guards can be purchased over the counter, but a custom-fitted night guard from the dentist is most effective at preventing damage and helping the patient have a better night’s sleep.

Snore Guards

Snoring can be caused by various conditions, including:

  • Mouth and nasal anatomy
  • Sleep position
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Obstructive sleep apnea

A snore guard, which is an appliance similar to a night guard, fits over the teeth and changes the position of the jaw or tongue to reduce snoring. Your dentist can help you choose the type of snore guard that will work best for you.