
Bridges are a method of replacing missing teeth, which helps preserve the structure of your existing teeth and jaw and makes it easier to eat and speak normally. Bridges are long-lasting and durable, and can be made of gold, metal, alloys, or porcelain to match your existing teeth. 

When a bridge is created to replace a missing tooth, the existing teeth on either side are recontoured to create abutments that provide a base for the bridge. We will take a mold of the area and send it to a dental laboratory to construct a bridge that will fit properly. While we are waiting for the lab to create your bridge, we will fit you with a temporary bridge to protect the abutments and the exposed gum.

You will come in for a second visit to place the permanent bridge. The bridge consists of two crowns placed on either side of the space, with a new tooth placed in between, set with an adhesive. Having a bridge can take a little getting used to, and we will recommend eating soft foods for a few days. After this phase, your bridge will feel natural and you can eat normally.