Crowns (Caps)

When there is extensive damage to the underlying structure of a tooth, a crown (also known as a cap) may be required. A dental crown looks and feels like a natural tooth and can be used to correct a variety of issues, including:

  • Dental decay
  • Cracked fillings
  • Root canals
  • Damage caused by clenching and grinding
  • Discolorations or stains

A dental crown covers the entire visible portion of the affected tooth. Depending on the purpose of the crown, it can be made of stainless steel, other metals, porcelain-fused-to-metal, resin, or ceramic. To prepare for your crown, we will numb the area, reshape the affected tooth (either filing it down to make room, or building it up so that the crown can be supported), and make an impression to send to a dental laboratory. We will also fit you with a temporary crown.

You will come back for a second visit to have the permanent crown placed. The average crown lasts between five and fifteen years, depending on wear and tear and other factors. We will talk to you about the best way to care for your crown.

Crowns are typically used on adult teeth, but they can be indicated for baby teeth in cases of severe tooth decay or in children who aren’t able to keep up with proper dental care.